It seems that the problems aren't with the boaters on the water. Instead of more Coast Guard watching boaters -- and they did a good job of keeping things orderly while still allowing some fun -- perhaps there should have been more police watching the unruly crowds coming and going at the Chesapeake Inn.

I like sitting outside at the Inn having a beer and brick oven pizza as much as the next person, but on Canal Day, it's a different place -- especially at night after the official town Canal Day is over. The Inn does do a good job on security and 10 arrests for something that big isn't bad, true ... but I seriously doubt it was the boaters or vendors or shoppers who were causing the trouble and getting arrested. I'd bet it was a rowdier, younger night crowd that came in after the parking fee ended. And let's not let those bad apples ruin it and spark the kind of "end Canal Day" talk that came out after last year.
If you have constructive suggestions for changes, leave them in the comments section. I'm sure the organizers would love to hear what you think.
The News Journal article here.
The News Journal photo gallery here.
I doubt it was any boater's that were on the Marina's docks since they probably couldn't afford to pay the cover after paying for gas and slip fees.
How many tiles was bought for the patio? Pier flooring
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